This was, believe it or not, the first picture I ever saw
relating to Doctor Who. Years before I got into the show (which was this winter,
but the way I talk and blog about it you’d think I’ve been on this bandwagon
since the start, wouldn’t you?) I
remember seeing this picture, agreeing vehemently, and then filing it away for
further examination at a later point. I don’t know why I didn’t start watching
it right away. Maybe it’s because I was wary of falling madly in love with
another fictional character or being emotionally invested in these characters only
to be heartbroken (Joss Whedon has made me a cynic when it comes to
viewer/character relationships. He’s taught me that any bond I form with a character
he's created will always end in tears, thanks for that Joss), but I just
stalled getting into the reboot of the show.
Clearly I’m over that emotional block and, now when I look
at this picture, I can truly appreciate it for the brilliance that it exudes. At
the same time though, when I rewatch the show (like I have been these past few
weeks) I feel myself getting so sad at moments I should, theoretically, be
over. My dear Eccly regenerating into Teninch, for one. Rose being left in Bad
Wolf bay (haven't quite reached that yet, but soon). All those moments I know
are coming, because I've experienced them once before and was hurt by them once
before, just end up hurting me all over again. I seem to unintentionally invest
a lot more of my self into these fictional characters than a normal person
should. If I keep spreading myself this thin emotionally, eventually I wont be able
to fall madly in love with real people.
That's a really scary and dramatic thought, probably brought
upon by the fact that I feel like I'm getting old. I am part of the Harry Potter
generation, and that era has ended. True, Pottermore is going to be launched
soon, and as Ms. Rowling so heart wrenchingly put it, Hogwarts will always be
there to welcome us home, but it's still not the same. There will be no more
premiers to witness, midnight showings to get dressed up for, Midnight Magic
Parties to attend. That anticipation, toe curling in it's awesomeness, felt by
millions around the world, to turn that page and read those first words. When's
the last time that so many people have waited so long for a children's book? When
was the last time that magic and mischief and school and death and coming of
age caused so much people to come together and celebrate and gossip and
speculate about hidden meanings and possible foreshadowing?
Better yet, when's the next time this will happen?
Source: |
I'm not quite sure how I went from Doctor Who to Harry Potter
(all the while managing to revert to emo teenager phase), but as an ultimate
nerd I guess it's all connected in my mind in one huge, overly emotional, super
excited, extremely invested, pulsating mass of gushing, unabashed fangirlism.
CASSANDRA IS MADAM HOOCH!!!!???!?!?!???!?!! Mind. Blown.