I watched the Lion King in 3D yesterday, and it was amazing. I mean, it didn't do the usual hurting of the eyes and head thing that most 3D movies can cause, which is great in itself, but more than that I felt like I was a tiny child again who was able to experience the majesty that is that movie.
I'm not ashamed to say I cried when Mufasa died, because it just proves the fact that I have a heart and a soul. Despite the fun I had, and the fact that I'm glad I did it, watching it in 3D is an experience and a one time thing, and it should only be done if you're willing to pay those extra million dollars for a feature that you might not even notice because everything but Simba's journey is rendered non-existent.
Otherwise, scrounge around your home for the old tape or newer DVD and pop that in, because at the end of that hour and a half, the amazingness lied within the story itself, and not the extra dimension.
I'm probably going to see it anyway (cos it's just awesome).
ReplyDeleteIn something completely unrelated:
I just got my welcome email and got my wand (what did you get?). Love it so much! (Could do without the lagging, but I assume they'll fix that.) Now, I'm off to Hogwarts!
ReplyDeleteIt wont let me the access the website just yet because it's overloaded apparently, but as soon as I can I'll let you know.
Wot wand did you get?
Vine and phoenix. It's a bit strange, but I like it.
ReplyDeleteWot about you?
Still being shut out of Pottermore, grrr.
ReplyDeleteI hope mine was awesome enough to have someting like phoenix feather or dragon heartstring or something in it. Right now, all I can remember was it being 'surprisingly springy' or something, which I enjoyed immensely. I feel like it describes my personality.
Hufflepuff on the other hand, grr again. This is wot happens when you're unsure about an answer to those personality quizzes, and you don't go with your initially feeling.
Have you been sorted yet?