Sunday, October 9, 2011

Doctor Who Day


I honestly can't believe that it's already Sunday. This weekend has gone exceptionally fast, and now that I'm at the end of it I'm wondering where it all went, other than to the N64 and Mario Kart and a whole lot of 30 Rock. One episode of Series 6 left for me to actually start ranting/speculating about Doctor Who, so just bear with me guys.

In the mean time, it's apparently Doctor Who Day! Unofficially, of course, and simply because if you write out the date in the European way it would be 9/10/11, and nerds/fans will find any way possible to celebrate there universes of choice. So happy Doctor Who Day to all you Whovians, and potentially Whovians out there! I'm going to, unfortunately, have to do something other than just lounge at home which means venturing out into the big bad world, so wish me luck.


  1. Oh! I didn't realize that... And it's past. mpf.
    Well Happy past-Doctor Who-Day!

  2. And a happy past-Doctor Who day to you too!
