Friday, June 24, 2011

Partners in Crime

Those two are amazing together. I don't think Ten could have found himself a better best friend. Though, having Captain Hotsauce as his lover would have been rather...saucy (I went there). But still, Donna and Ten are the epitome of a dream team, and she kept him grounded and drew the line when necessary. The most important person in the universe indeed.


  1. Oh, they're so wonderful together. I just try not to think about the finale and pretend that she got her memory back in some parallel universe. Maybe the one we know about, and then she and Rose and 10.2 can all travel together in the TARDIS. (I am such a sucker for happy endings. It's absolutely ridiculous.)

  2. Yeah, I get a twinge of pain whenever I think of any of the season finales...well, mostly the first with Nine, and then with ten leaving rose and then the Donna one...Martha got off easy in my opinion.
    As much as I love 10.2 (nice name beeteedubz, I usually just call him Human!Ten) I was never completely satisfied with that resolution because it ISN'T Ten, you know? But Donna needs to come back, and Captain Jack needs to know that he's regenerated and Rose needs to be informed that her Doctor, once again, has gone.
    Sorry! Rambling, will stop.
