Thursday, March 31, 2011

Mmm, chocolate

I'd like to smother him in chocolate.


Pitying the Fools

I realized, after getting a department wide email regarding a group April Fool's light hearted shenanigan idea, that I'm tensely anticipating pranks from family and friends alike that will be of varying degrees of believability and possible not-coolness. The thing is, it's not like my family/friends pull a prank every year or anything, it's just that the possibility of them doing it always looms over my head this time of year, and the fact that we all live on three different continents means that the prank can be pulled without me even expecting it. It's my general rule to just be completely suspicious of everything everyone tells me from around midnight UAE time on April 1st (furthest family-located timezone) to 12AM April 2nd, EST. If it offends/hurts anyone when they tell me the truth and I automatically assume they're lying, then I hope my explanation the next day will be satisfactory...because I live with actors, which means they can pretend to be hurt really really well, and I refuse to be the one that second-guesses my intuition just so they can have a few laughs of "HAHA got you!"
Pride? Wot pride?
I've considered pulling a prank of my own...but that requires thought and the desire to stick with wotever I come up with like it's my job and I haven't decided if it's worth it yet or not. I'll let you know though.

P.S. Speaking of being fooled, to this day I'm waiting on the big press revalation that Rebbeca Black's Friday is just a huge, elaborate, April Fool's joke.

And the Time Lords win again

If wishes were horses...

this would be a horse real game:


I happen to be a buy-things-related-to-your-obsession nut, so this would join my collection of LOTR monopoly, LOTR risk, the Buffy board game, and Harry Potter trivial pursuit (DVD edition, cause really, why would I want anything less). My favourite square might be "The Void," because the "just orbiting" is a hilarious play on just visiting.
Clearly I'm easily amused.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Quote of the Week

"What is this, Brooklyn in the fifties? Don't just say stuff."
- Lisa Simpson, S20E09: Lisa the Drama Queen

This might have been one of the funniest Simpsons episode I've ever seen. I particularly enjoyed the Josh Grobin tribute. Also...the fact that Fall Out Boy did the ending theme, that was just unexpected and brilliant.

Doctor Cassandra

I absolutely loved this episode. It proved that David Tennant was a great actor. He played being possessed by an absolutely vain stretched piece of skin/last human in the 51st Century so damn well.


Oh he's slim, and a little bit outrageously foxy! You thought so too; I've been inside your head. You've been looking. You like it.

Three Generation of Whovians

"Hey I'm the Doctor, I can save the universe using a kettle and some string. And look at me, I'm wearing a vegetable."
I just realized that David Tennant's future baby mama is the actual daughter of a past Doctor and she also played his daughter in an episode. It's like three generations of Whobabies! A whole family of Who's (this is slowly turning into a Dr. Seuss story).

They're so cute.

This Children in Need episode was absolutely hilarious. I wonder if David Tennant asjed/they had planned it so that he did it with his future father-in-law, or if that was just a coincidence.

Pirates for the win!

I'd do this too. I think I'd make a a good stereotypical/Disney/faerie tale inspired pirate. I'd be awesome, and I already know I'd look amazing in costume/with a giant Captain's hat. Not in a slutty-pirate kind of way, but a legitimately kick ass and fantastic Captain.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Keep Calm and Supernatural


Basement Kitty versus the Doctor

My cat would probably attempt to eat the Doctor, if a shrunken one ran out of a shrunken Tardis (they should definitely make a 'honey, I shrunk the Doctor' episode). Except he's lazy so he'd only stretch out his paw as far as possible, and if that doesn't work he'd just get bored and go back to sleep. 

Voldemort out!

I've been hearing about A Very Potter Musical for the past sixth months, but it wasn't until very very recently that I actually took the time to watch it, and I'm compltely in love. Darren Criss, obviously, is fantastic. But the girl who plays Malfoy and whoever plays Voldemort, in my opinion, completely stole the show. Malfoy's movements and stage presence were absolutely hilarious, and Voldemort's personality/screechy voice/moral dilemmas were so engaging, they were fantastic (as if I don't use that word enough).
          The only thing I did not really like was how you could barely hear the singing due to the loud instruments/something about the recording. Otherwise, I applaud the whole cast/creators of the idea, because it was so fresh and fun and well-made (despite the probably low budget) and just good. As an enormous fan of all things Harry Potter (disregarding some choices by the film makers *cough*lackofpeeves/LupinnottellingHarryabouttheMarauders*cough*) this was such a pleasant addition to my mental lexicon dedicated to the Potterverse.

All right, now I've got to watch A Very Potter Sequel.

God, yes

I would have done it regardless

Potions Master? More like Hotsuff Master!

(and you thought I wouldn't use it...pfft, I'm a man of my word!)
(...except for the being a man part)

The Penultimate Supper


I'm going to ruin the aesthetics/symmetry of the blog so this picture can be seen in its full, awesome, capacity. The salt/pepper Dalek shakers are saying "Exterminate!" Which is a wonderful detail.

Heaven, revisited

I Haven't Seen Heaven Yet...

I think
I felt it once
in the space where
your lips were
mine longed to be

(it hovers there still)

Monday, March 28, 2011

Alcoholic Cass

Castiel is my favourite. 

Doctors Dancing!

This is one of the greatest things I have ever seen. Ever. If the Doctor actually danced like that, I would have died from the hilariousity (not an actual word, I know) of the image. My favourite is Nine, because he just looks really content, and like 'yeah, I can shake it.' I wish I could have this as my permanent icon, because it's so fitting, especially since she titled it "Today's The Day The Doctor Dances."

A Belated Happy Whovian Valentine!

I wish I had known of these sooner, because I would have bought them in a heartbeat.

Source: etsy

Limericks Galore

I spent an hour or so today (that I should have been using doing something productive) writing limericks about me and my sister and cousin and lovelies. I ended up having to use nicknames to make the point get across, and some of them were stretches as far as rhyming goes, but hey...artistic liberty and all that. *shifty eyes*
          It started off with me just writing one about myself out of boredom, but then my sister (who I had texted it to originally) told me to write one about my cousin, and then about her, and by that point I figured I could think up of two more because it wasn't like I was doing anything anyway (it was 5:30, the office was empty save me and the senior managing editor and some people from the production department, can anyone really blame me?).

Without further ado, I present to you my Irish masterpieces:

I. There once was a girl named Zooz
Who's productivity was just a ruse
She'd go to class
And sit on her ass
If she fails, she'll have no excuse

II. There once was a girl named Jo
Who happened to be quite slow
When she heard a joke
Her beard she'd stroke
But away the punchline would go

III. There once was a girl named Supreme
Who was so stressed out, she could scream
So she said "fuck that"
Found a Brit named Matt
And lived out a NY-based dream

IV. There once was a boy named Robbie
Who had a peculiar hobby
He liked to pick fights
On random nights
And his book tastes are rather snobby

V. There once was a girl named Moon
Who's emotions were like a monsoon
She could never hide
How she felt inside
It was etched on her face like a rune

          I really need to get my priorities straight. 


He just wanted a mate, and he got a great one. It's too bad she doesn't remember it.


Starry TARDIS Night

The Van Gogh episode is one of my favourites of the new season. Tony Curran did an amazing job as Vincent, especially the 'going mad' scenes, and the way he looked at Amy, the awe and adoration with which he gazed at her face every time she would speak...that was incomparable. I also really like wot they did with Starry Night/their explanation for Van Gogh's insanity was creative.
          I would love to actually see the TARDIS in a legitamate painting. I think people should make more paintings with subtle TARDIS chilling in the back, you know, to document the Doctor travelling through time, and always being there in significant moments in history. If I had any artistic or photoshop abilities, I would attempt it myself. But, lacking those crucial elements, I'm better off dreaming of others having the same thoughts as I do, and enacting those thoughts.
I'll let you know how that goes.

P.S. Is it just me, or was the way that Matt Smith pronounced 'Gogh' sound weird?

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Resurrection Game

This is absolutely amazing...and so true. Poor Jesus.

New favourite gif

I've decided that instead of saying "/runsoff" I'm just going to post this gif, and the message will come across even better than merely with words. All in favour say "aye."
Good, glad you're with me on this one.

I love the internet...

I mean, the things you can come across from just idle browsing and clicking are absolutely mind blowing. That's how I found the TARDIS Jewelry and that's also how I found this:

          This person is making a pop up guide/book of Supernatural! And the pictures that have been put up are absolutely fantastic. I'd buy this in a heartbeat. I'm seven at heart which means that pop up books are my thing. It's true, I have a 'all about pirates' pop up book and one on dragons...I haven't acquired the faeries one yet, but I will one day. This is just such a brilliant idea and I'm so glad someone is not only attempting it, but is also doing it extremely well from the looks of it. The detail is amazing. Good luck with this project!

Daniel Radcliffe makes a funny

He's absolutely adorable. 

Radcliffe on the present generation

Hermione for the win


*breaks down into tears*


Harry Potter and the Office


It's true though, Dementors are a bitch to deal with.

My reaction exactly

Sucker Punch

We just got back from watching Sucker Punch, and if you ignore the bad acting and the bad plot and the bad dialogue, it was actually a lot of fun. It managed to fit in eight billion different genres into one movie, there was the psychological/inception-like quality, the steampunk, the fantasy (ORCS! There were orcs!), glorified action, mobster/film noire, burlesque/soft core porn, sci-fi, and drama. Oh yes, and there were Sailor Moon/Dragon Ball Z-like moments as well. There were one or two moments that were pleasantly unexpected that redeemed the overall bad acting, and the guy who plays "Blue" or the orderly did a good job at being a completely slimy dick, so that was good too.
              Also, it's like every girl fantasizes to be able to dress up and then kick ass. With a sword AND a gun...and her gun has a key chain, and her sword has an awesome carving in it. I wish I could just close my eyes and be transported into an awesome steampunk world with dragons and Aurora Borealis-like fire-creating stones where I can wield a handgun and samurai sword to slice away robots and zombies.
               Wouldn't that be fun? I think for next year's NaNoWriMo I might attempt writing a steampunk story. Oooh yes, yes that would be fantastic. I can't wait.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Baby Stormtrooper


Words can barely describe how adorable this is.

TARDIS Jewelry

Source: etsy

If I Could Turn Back Time-Doctor Who Steampunk Pendant

I WANT ONE! That looks absolutely amazing and if I manage to acquire one one day I'll be ecstatic.

Quote of the Century

“I’m going going on a trip too, Scott! It starts in Narnia, it works its way up to Candyland and then, Hey, congratulate me, because I’m the new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher at Hogwarts! Expelliarmus!"
- Robin, HIMYM S06E19
 This show makes me so happy. It's references and silliness like this that makes me realize why I love it so much.

The Many Incarnations of High Fives

Now all I need is the clip of Barney talking about how Jesus invented the high five, and it'll be complete.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Pokémon secret revealed!

Or know, or any other Spanish speaking country.

The Most Feared Being In All The Cosmos


Has sticky-outy ears and is absolutely silly.

I love it.

And God said, let there be (Sailor Moon)light!

My lovely ame-soeur made this for me on paint, and I thought it was a more or less accurate assessment of wot hell would consist of, so here it is. My favourites are the wand and Edward's lovely copper hair and pearly whites (or pearly 'white' to be more accurate, considering that only one fang is depicted in this lifelike portrait). 

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Don't Blink!

And the meme-like things continue!

After a long, exhausting day at work, I deserve some fun times with Doctor Who and fears it inspires.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Hipster Doctor

Somebody stop me. Well, no don't. This is wot I've been up to while I've been sick and dead and it's keeping me alive and entertained.'s funny! Before it blew up...get it? Get it?!


Easy A

I love Emma Stone, I think she is fantastic and gorgeous and a wonderful actor. I also happen to love John Hughes directed cheesy eighty movies and John Cusack as the puppy-eyed leading man that you can't help but fall for.
          I would have settled for life being like an eighties movie, if not like a post-apocalyptic zombie flic or a magic infused fantasy novel or having pokémon or daemons be real. Unreal expectations? Who, me?

Cuteness Galore!

I found this on roflrazzi, and I almost died from the cuteness. As both a Star Wars and Winnie the Pooh fan, this was absolutely perfect.

Source: jameshance
"‘Wookiee The Chew’, in the style of the original Pooh books tells the ‘adorkable’ tale of the little biped that belonged to Chrisolo Robin (and Chrisolo Robin belonged to him). 24 pages of affectionately crafted adventure, brand new illustrations and sneaky Star Wars references- a tribute to the combined genius of George Lucas, A.A.Milne and E.H.Sheppard. Suitable for jedi apprentices of all ages!"

Hipster Jasmine

I mean....she has a point. He was a lot nicer and a lot less pretentious as Aladdin.

I keep finding this hipster cartoon memes and they just make me giggle. So I thought I'd share it with the general public who may or may not be too lazy to search for it themselves, because I'm that kind hearted.

Because cracks and statues weren't enough...

Doctor Who has also got us counting the number of knocks at our door (thank God for doorbells, am I right?).

I just love meme generators. They're so much fun to make.

I wanted to make a meme incorporating a picture from this scene. But then I realized it wouldn't be entertaining, just highly depressing. I just remember screaming out "NO!" to the television when he turned and saw grandpa there, and, naturally, the tears automatically sprang from my eyes. I still wish it was someone sinister that caused his death, the President or some Dalek or....anyone. But I know that that wouldn't have been as poignant of a scene if it was an enemy...I think the whole point is that the end can come from the most unlikely sources. And now we have no one to blame...not really. Grandpa was just trying to save that man who was stuck in there, can we really fault him for unwittingly causing the end of Ten's run?

Electric bill be damned

Though I'm aware that the chances of me ever turning the light off with this on the switch will go from "everyday" to "fuck that, it's not worth it," I still really really want at least one in the household.