Saturday, April 30, 2011

Lily's 50 reasons to have sex

Alyson Hannigan is one of the greatest things to happen to television. She was one of the greatest back in the 90s, and she's still one of the greatest these days. She was amazing as a computer nerd, as a wicca lesbian, and as a slightly psychotic kindergarten teacher.

Friday, April 29, 2011

Fresh Prince: Royal Remix

Dear Alex Squiggledoutnameforprivacy. I love you.

The world doesn't end

We all know how I feel about this particular phrase/concept, so I'll leave you with a contended /sigh

The Simms


That is all.

David Tennant's Eyebrows

Eyebrows, the new Sideburns.

Royal Wedding

I honestly couldn't really care less about the Royal Wedding. But this is just really hilarious to me. I feel like they should bring it into the show somehow, you know, the Doctor is just chilling in present day London (like ya do), and happens to psychic paper his way into the forefronts of the wedding. I bet Amy would love that, and poor Rory the Roman would just be confused and being like "Uh, guys, I don't think this is such a good idea."

Face of Boe

Someone please explain to me how this beautiful, otherworldly, cheeky creature:

Becomes this notsobeautiful, otherworldly, wise beyond recognition entity:

I just remember my reaction at the end of the episode (which one was it? I just remember Martha being there, so that must have been Series 3) when Jack tells them that they used to call him "the face of Boe" when he was younger and literally leaping off of the couch and being like "FUCKING AYE! WOT?! WOT?! NO WAY!" while my sister stared at me blankly (she had walked in in the middle of the episode, so she had no idea wot I was on about). I still forget every once in a while, probably because it hasn't been brought up since, but it never fails to blow my mind once I remember.
          Sort of like how realizing that "Torchwood" is an anagram of "Doctor Who," or that the drumming the Master heard was actually the heartbeat of a Time Lord, or how you can hear that same rhythm in th background of the theme song. All those things that are interwoven so well into the very essence of the show that they seem natural and unplanned. But we all know that Davies and Moffat knew/know exactly wot they're doing. Damn those creative, frightening minds.

Doctor Weddings

I still don't get how it is physically possible, or even conceivable to forget a creature such as this. Something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Must not ignore homework

(she says as she uselessly updates her blog).
          But no, don't worry, I'll get right onto that pesky little psych lab report I have to get done (all about torture, which is fun). But first I have to not do it to make myself feel better about having to do it. Trust me, it makes sense. I mean, I already have a general idea of how it'll end up, and technically I've written a general outline of the introduction and discussion section. It's the actual write up that's getting me down right now. So I need to be entertained, and since I love sharing the things that entertain me with strangers, I'll attempt to entertain you too! Fun for all.

          The thing I love the most about this scene is the look of utter confidence and smugness that Eleven has as he whips the psychic paper out.

          This movie was absolutely amazing. It combined dragons with Gerard Butler, wot more could a girl want?

Source: goth-detectives.tumblr,com
          This is my last picture reposting on this particular post, promise. Just going to go ahead and say how I think exactly the same way (I feel like I should be worried), as well as "Why not?" whenever someone asks me why I would do something. I can't help it, the childish instinct to be contrary always fights its way to the forefront of my reason and judgement and obscures them both by being loud and obnoxious. The only way to make it quiet down is to pay attention to it.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

You can take the Steward out of Gondor...

but you can't take Gondor out of the Steward.

2000 Page Views!

I will celebrate this accomplishment with a string of How I Met Your Mother gifs! Because I feel like this show and the gifs made from it basically sums up how I feel right now (clearly I've gotten over the whole "no plans for my future" nonsense). So, without further delay, my gratitude/emotions right now:

Thanks to everyone who stopped by, even for a little bit. You're awesome.

Pretty Boy

Pfsh, you're not that pretty. I mean, if it weren't for your eyes and sideburns and that hair and your general personality and the way your face looks, you wouldn't even be close to pretty.

The Silence, The Scream

Now I'm going to start seeing Doctor Who references in Museums too. Thanks Moffat, it's not like the show was taking over my life already or anything.

"...if The Silence looks familiar to you, it’s because they’ve been around for more than just a hot minute, according to the man who imagined them up – exec producer Steven Moffat:
‘Humans will have been subconsciously aware of The Silence for many centuries and that awareness will have manifested itself in paintings such as The Scream.'

Oh, the Times and Places you will go!

I'm clearly procrastinating. But that's only because I realized about five minutes ago that my last day of classes as an Undergrad ever was May 9th. That's in less than 2 weeks. I graduate in 20 days. 20 days. 20 days.
          I apologise for the temporary bout of insanity/lag, it will most probably happen again. In order to prevent myself falling too deep into the vast existential abyss that accompanies the fear of drastic-yet-unavoidable change, I'm going to distract myself by not working on that last lab report of mine (just yet) and, instead, find pictures to post that I find amusing. Like I would usually do on a normal, not-freaking-out-about-my-future, day. If I've learned one thing from life, it's that the best thing to do when facing an obstacle or problem is pretend it's not there until you cannot avoid it any more.


"If you've never had sex, this is what it feels like. Complete with the brief feeling of satisfaction, followed by ennui, followed by getting bored and trying to make it happen again."
Well, at least now I know wot to expect.

Silly Doctors


Never Alone


Chibi-sih Doctor

Adorable, to say the least.

Normal People vs. Whovians

Except...wot if there's one of The Silence behind you (does anyone know wot the singular or plural form of The Silence would be?)! Oh no, it's almost like Steven Moffat has made it impossible for Whovians to even leave their beds in the morning. Personally, I'd take the Angels over the Silence any day.

The Weakest Link

He can't help it, he was born that way.

Baby Herc and Pegasus

This is one of my top 10 Disney movies, despite the slight deviation from the original Greek mythos about Hercules.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Doctor Who Series 1-6 Timeline


That's some dedication and detail right there.

Steven Moffat: on The Silence

He's a cheeky one, isn't he?

Mickey = Tin Horse


Cuddly little hobbitses

"Girls are very much of the opinion that Elijah, Billy, Sean, and myself are very cute, cuddly, affectionate, slightly asexual, non-threatening type characters. I think when people meet Orlando or Viggo it’s kind of like a “grrrr” type thing, whereas when they meet us it’s more like “aww, oh”."
It's kind of true, but I believe that Dominic Monaghan does have some 'rawr' moments. It's in the eyes, and the being a junkie on Lost.

All for one

According to the source (who made this) this is a tribute to all three Doctors of the New Series. It's Ten wearing Nine's clothing with the Starry Tardis Night (as I like to call it) painting on the TARDIS itself. Which is one of the most brilliant tributes I've seen.

To melt as that ice cube....

would be a wonderful way to melt.

Aaand, another moment of:

Nine, Ten, Eleven

My favourite Time Traveler, in my generations incarnations (though I am rather fond of Four).

Progression of Rory love

Rory is just so loyal and wonderful and romantic and loving and awkward, which are good combinations in the Whoverse, methinks. 

Mummy Jokes

This is brilliant.

The Social Balrog


Daniel Radcliffe

I feel like it's safe to say that the young cast of Harry Potter have grown from being absolutely adorable to absolutely attractive. It's good to know I'm not a paedophile, at the very least (though I was in love with Malfoy, knowing that he was a year older than me at the time made it okay). 

Monday, April 25, 2011

How to determine if someone is alive

Let's be honest now, Rory totally learned that move from the Doctor.

Sneaky little Doctor

I couldn't see Nine ever doing this, maybe Ten would...but it fit into Eleven's character so well that I wouldn't be surprised if I actually saw him while watching Casablanca or something. And it'd be wonderful.

Harry Potter: on Twilight

It's not a trick if it's the truth Ms. Watson. 

Also, I'm uncertain if I posted this one already or not, but it warrants re-posting nonetheless:

The men of Doctor Who

These actors have all made me fall in love in their own marvellous ways, whether through passion or loyalty or strength or madness. They each brought their own spirit to the new series, and made it come to life in a glorious manner. I wish I could be more eloquent and less fangirly in my praise, and that one day I would be able to do it in person (though I'm sure that if I met Christopher Eccleston I would probably dissolve into barely decipherable sobs of "you were my first Doctor!" and ask David Tennant, impulsively, to marry me) but this is the best I can come up with for now, so it'll have to do.

Doctor, River, Rory, and Amy: sorted

That's actually quite appropriate.