Wednesday, November 30, 2011

David Tennant's face of the day

I got this guys. I can end this semester with floating colours!

Well, okay, maybe colours at rest.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011


TARDIS, I dub thee 'meta.'

On another note, one of those has got to actually work.

Monday, November 28, 2011

David Tennant's face of the day


Yay half-drunken David Tennant!
Now onto ranting about sources of my anxiety: i.e. school!

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Captain Jack Appreciation


It's been forever and I apologise. I've just been bogged down with homework and Thanksgiving (which was absolutely amazing! I hope you all had a wonderful one, if you celebrate it) and yesterday there was a The Cure concert, which was also mind blowing and completely surreal. So yeah, those are my excuses, please forgive me while I go off and try to finish this paper?

Monday, November 21, 2011

Swagger, They Name is Felton

Do I even need to ruin this with words?

Perhaps I can't help it...but still, damn

David Tennant's face of the day

I like finding pictures of our dear Tenth Doctor that mirror how I feel. That is me attempting valiantly to capture the days of November as they rush past me, in order to actually be up to the word count for my not-novel (because, that word really doesn't apply at this point, I can't even pretend that it's a novel any more).

Bright side? Almost Thanksgiving, and I can come to terms with that.

Friday, November 18, 2011

David Tennant's face of the day

His lips are awfully red and shiny in these pictures. But I'm okay with that.

I also have not written for my NaNo today, and I'm already 2,000 words behind. Less okay with that one, but I think I can deal. Just need thanksgiving to come along and make it all okay.


Wednesday, November 16, 2011

David Tennant's face of the day

So there are rumours abound that David Yates is thinking/in the process of discussing the possibility of directing a Doctor Who movie. I'm not quite sure how I feel about that, about having everything be from scratch except for the basics.

I mean, I would be upset if they went with one of the actors that already did Doctor Who and did not pick David Tennant or Eccly, considering that our dear Willy Wonka Doctor (i.e. Matt Smith) will still have the show to do, but then again who would they pick, if they want a fresh face?

I don't know, I guess it will have to wait until all of this is confirmed before making any judgements, but the prospect is both slightly exciting and slightly frightening. I love David Yates and his interpretations of the Harry Potter movies, but Doctor Who is not Harry Potter. It is far older and far more fragile, I think, and therefore requires more careful analysis and care than Harry Potter would.

I know, I know, making a book into a movie requires a massive amount of care, but people already know what Doctor Who can offer on screen, how it can fail and how it can succeed, and it's a fine line between the two so...yeah. Fingers crossed?

Monday, November 14, 2011

Same Man, New Face

Advice: don't stare too long at this gif, it will only hypnotize you and draw you in.


I don't quite know when I turned into the advocate/champion for the first season of the New Series, but I think I've done a very good job of it. I honestly think that it's a shame for people to just jump on the Matt Smith bandwagon without at least giving Eccly and Tennant a try, mostly because I think once they do they'll realize why it's even remotely close to as awesome as it is with Matt Smith. I mean, don't get me wrong, I adore Matt Smith. I think he's quirky and weird and great, mostly because  (and I might have said this before) of his Willy Wonka-esque mannerisms and eccentricities. But that being said, he really has got nothing on Eccly and Tennant's humanity, their passion and devotion and human connections (not to mention the eight Doctors before).

I almost feel like without knowing, really, everything that the Doctor has lost, you can't quite understand all his choices and his reasoning.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Adipose: In real life

This article makes me quite happy, mostly because of the whole sometimes-routed-in-reality aspect it gives to Doctor Who. I'm very good at suspending my disbelief, for anything really, I practically look for excuses to suspend my disbelief, but I also do enjoy a bit of realism sprinkled here and there in my various forms of entertainment.

It basically  talks about a new drug they've come up with that attacks blood vessels around the adipose in your body (i.e. white fat) and allowing them to metabolize. So, you know, the fat simply walks away?

Blows my mind.

I wouldn't be surprised if the side effects turn out to be alien domination. 

David Tennant's face of the day

Source: tingling-sensation

Things November is teaching me: I can't spell and I have an infinite amount of words in me for death scenes. I might be turning into an illiterate sociopath.

Fun times, right?

I feel like this particular picture is David Tennant agreeing, vehemently, with my first statement. 

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Kisses from the Doctor

Damn, he's been around hasn't he? And this is not even counting all the other regenerations.
Someone is giving Captain Hotsauce a run for his money.

Monday, November 7, 2011

David Tennant's face of the day

I'm at the word count goal for today (about 11667), but only like about one eighth of that. I guess that's why they say editing is for December, eh? 

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Donna and the Babes

I don't know if you can read it or not, but it says "Karen and the Babes have some competition."

I think I can say this falls into the category of things I would kill to see, a sing off between Karen Gillian, Arthur Darvill, Matt Smith and David Tennant, Catherine Tate, and John Barrowman. Notice how they each have a lady ginger to be there lead.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011