Sunday, October 30, 2011

Walking 500 miles (again)

I found another one. The funny thing is I was wondering why there wasn't one with our favourite time slut, and then it popped up on my tumblr dash. Yay for the internet right?

I apologise for the off timing, I'm bad at these things. 

David Tennant's face of the day

I have seen a large selection of photos like this. David Tennant in the middle, two cast/crew members around him, doing the "I will walk 500 miles" walk.

It's brilliant.

For example:

Thursday, October 27, 2011

John Simm Appreciation

I realize that I don't appreciate this man as much as I should. So here's to his wonderfulness.

Sonic Screwdriver: A Literal Take

Nerdy fans with imagination are the best.

I've decided to start writing my random thoughts that have mostly nothing to do with the posts after the pagebreak so that those of you who might have stumbled onto here just to see the pretty pictures of our favourite Time Lords don't have to scroll through a slew of me regurgitating things I've probably said the day before.

Like so!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

David Tennant's face of the day

Those two...I miss their dynamic.

Awkward Silent

This is one of the most amazing things I've ever seen. I know I say that a lot, but I mean it a lot too.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

You Never Forget Your Beloved Companions

I think if you've read my blog at all, you'd know how much this sentiment resonates within me. Almost profoundly, if not drastically so.

David Tennant's face of the day

First of all, props to the creator of this poster, because it made my day.

In the meantime, it has been another day filled with sickness and death, but on the bright side I did get to play Uncharted 2 (or rather, keep playing it) in preparation for the third one coming out soon. I feel like I wasted away my day though, mostly sleeping (though I don't regret it that much), partially playing video games, really not doing the work I should have been doing.

But, seeing as Sunday was the opposite of a day of rest, I'm going to go ahead and let today pass peacefully. In fact, I might go ahead and continue to play Uncharted 2, in order to really make this a useless, workless day.

Tomorrow though, tomorrow it's back to serious mode.

Monday, October 24, 2011

David Tennant's face of the day


I have this weird thing where I can't drink water when I'm sick, which is silly and stupid considering that water is one of the most important things to have. But the point is, by the time I'm on my final day of recovery (i.e. today) I end up getting pounding headaches every time I breathe/take a step. Fun, right?

On the bright side, I finally registered to Gamefly, which means I never technically have to leave my home to get my video games. I say technically because gamestop is like 10 blocks away, and I do have a wonderful relationship with them so I'm not sure I want to stop that just yet.

No off to do some Interactive Media reading. Because, unfortunately, I still have class to go to today, though my head feels like someone is using it as a base drum.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

David Tennant's face of the day

It seems I must apologise once again for my absence from this lovely blog. After not-screwing up my mock marketing presentation, and playing my first game/campaign of Dungeons and Dragons in my life (which was AMAZING, I'll tell you all about my character and show the pictures that my lovely friends drew of her, some other time because you clearly want to know more about my plunge into nerdom), my body decided it would be a good idea to completely die on me...again. So I think I'm just going to go ahead and curl up on the couch with something warm.

Hopefully, will be alive tomorrow.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Occupy Mordor

Mwahahahahahaha! These different 'occupy [insert fictional place]' memes are fantastic. Who wants to Occupy Hogwarts next?

I'm so damn frightened about my presentation, Friday's are supposed to be relaxation days for me but I spent most of it stressing, and doing laundry.

Okay, deep breaths, I can do this.Was a journalism/psych/creative writing student for four years, one 5 minute presentation should be fine.

David Tennant's face of the day

I have my final mock marketing presentation for my Intro to Book publishing class today. These faces that our dear Mr. Tennant is making will be me trying to pitch/market my book. It's only supposed to be 2-5 minutes long, but I have this amazing ability of screwing things up, I think it has something to do with stage fright. Maybe I can be charming though, through some twist of fate and awkwardness that is interpreted to be adorable. Who knows, eh?

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

A Message from the Doctor

Seeing this actually made me feel a lot better, despite the pouring rain and the massive amounts of work I have to do and the less than stellar grades and the sheer insanity that is living in New York. I think it's his face more than anything, and hearing him say 'Fantastic!' in my mind.

David Tennant's face of the day

This changing scene remains one of my favourite scenes in the relaunch of Doctor Who. I will admit, I rather like Eleven's outfit scene too, but there's something about this one (probably the whole love-of-Tennant thing I seem to have) that I just adore.

I do miss him.

Done with my Fact Sheet/Marketing Campaign! Well, ish. I know I have to look over them, to make sure that I've covered a large marketing aspect, and try to keep my fake budget in mind (which I did not consider when I put in 2 New York Times ads, whoops) but I'm done in the sense that I don't have to start from scratch, merely review wot I have already written.

Yay me, right?

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

The Wedding of River Song

I've finally seen "The Wedding of River Song," and let me tell you I think I enjoyed that finale better than last season's finale. True, it was quite predictable (if anyone couldn't guess wot the question was, I'm surprised), a bit repetitive (if I hear anyone say 'it must be done! time is disintegrating!" one more time I will stab them) and a slight cop out (still don't know his name, thought apparently silence will fall if that's said, we've been prepared for him to die and they introduce the thing that will prevent that half-way through the season, etc.), but the moments of humour were great, the Silence were sufficiently creepy, and his desperation to remain alive was quite on point.

David Tennant's face of the day

Seeing this picture brings me back to this summer, when I was less than a good toss away from this beautiful, brilliant, talented man. That's wot he wore during the would-be wedding scene between Claudio and Hero. The things I would give to be seeing that again right now.

Instead, I have just finished writing out a "Fact Sheet" for the book I picked to pitch/market in my Intro to Book Publishing class. I still have to write out a detailed, hypothetical marketing campaign, including whether the author will have a book tour, national advertising displays, and digital strategies (not to mention a 10 minutes marketing powerpoint presentation...all for Friday).

Though I think I have the fact sheet pretty much set, it's the marketing campaign that's frightening me. This 'self-help/autobiography/nonfiction' genre is not one I'm used to dealing with, and so I'm not exactly sure how one would market books of the like, or which cities would be the best to tour in order to increase hype and attract fans to this book.

But I guess this is why I'm studying to be a publisher, and am not a kickass one already. I'm going to ignore the whole 'in reality, it would be the marketing departments job to do the marketing campaign' thing, because that's just not going to get me anywhere.

Monday, October 17, 2011

David Tennant's face of the day


What really happened to Stonehenge

This kind of makes my day.

I've decided to make my novel this November an Urban Fantasy/superhero/ancient prophecy type story revolving around a set of characters that have powers based on the different Zodiac signs. Still haven't figured out wot those powers are going to be, though people on the NaNoWriMo forums have been might helpful. The prophecy revolves around the coming of the 13th, who can type the balance to either good or evil, [insert superhero movie trope], etc. etc.

Let's see if I can make a 50,000 word novel out of that or not.

Hogwarts Logo

That's wot's in the brochure, along with a Marauder's Map like layout/plan of the school that you can move around and explore. I mean, that's how I'd design the non-existent Hogwarts brochure.  

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Friday, October 14, 2011

Comic Con

Went to Comic-Con for the first time. So exhausted and hungry right now. Have decided that Comic Con is a magical place, up there with Disney and Hogwarts and Gallifrey and Raccoon City. I promise to return tomorrow with more, but right now all I want to do is read and try to make food cook itself with the force.

Oh and plan for my NaNoWriMo novel. Don't know wot NaNoWriMo is? Check it out!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

David Tennant's face of the day

I am studying for my 'Multimedia Financial Analysis' quiz, which is just a fancy name for accounting. We have a review session an hour before the quiz itself, where we go over the problem sets he suggested. I would have liked to have the answers to said questions before the review session/quiz, in order to figure out whether I actually know wot I'm doing, or whether I'm just deluding myself in order to stay sane...but alas, that's not happening.

Wish me luck?

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Wolverine goes to Hogwarts

Now I just want someone to write/create an X-Men/Harry Potter crossover. Many people would watch or read that, if only to see wot the hell is going on, so no one has to worry about how to generate profit. I only have limited experience in marketing (five classes, 2.5 hours each), but I'd be happy to draw up a possible marketing plan, starting with, naturally, me meeting Hugh Jackman in person. That would work, right?

Book Thoughts: The Name of the Star by Maureen Johnson

So, The Name of the Star by Maureen Johnson. This is less of a review, in that you probably won't get much of the plotline, and more of me just discussing some points. If anyone would like the basic plotine added, I can always find the book description and just throw it on here.

It started off a bit slow (though the prologue-like begining drew you in instantly), and it was as if the author wanted to keep it all mysterious what Rory (no, not like our dear Rory the Roman, short for Aurora) had that was special, but didn't realize that her readers would probably get it quite quickly and so slowed the revelation down enough that the action had a hard time blossoming.

Also, despite it being set in London, you can't tell when reading that all the characters,other than our heroine who's Louisianan, are British. I think that's just a personal thing, but for some reasons I could only hear one character's voice in my head as having an English accent, Boo, and she didn't show up till later.

I still have a hundred pages or so left (the book is only 300 and something), and for the most part I am enjoying it (despite my criticisms). I think the whole concept of the book, a possible "otherworldly" Jack the Ripper copycat, is fascinating and the details and knowledge of the previous murders are quite on point and woven in well. Unfortunately, Johnson manages to make it so that, even though there's so much going on (or so much that could be going on), it feels like that action is trying to wade through quicksand. Also, there's an attempt at romance that should have been either worked on or completely eradicated, it felt awkward and not thought out.

So far, my curiosity at how this will develop and my interest in the converging of YA Paranormal fiction with historical details and mystery/thriller has kept me going, but I'm hoping the ending can help redeem the book.

David Tennant's face of the day

I've taken to staying up till 4 or 5 in the morning, just reading, because it's the only time in the day I can allocate to 'me' time that isn't constantly interuppted or tainted with the thoughts that I should be doing something more productive.

Apparently, the way my priorities lie, I value reading over sleep.

I'm currently reading a Young Adult ghost/fantasy thriller called The Name of the Star by Maureen Johnson, the first in the "Shades of London" series, and decided to put my two cents in about it in a valiant effort to procrastinate. I'm going to post it later, that was a forewarning, so bear with me.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Occupy Gallifrey

One of the many reasons I'm glad I follow Neil Gaiman is illustrated above.

David Tennant's face of the day

They're such beautiful people. I wish I were part of the gang, /tears.

Instead I'm sitting at home, eating delicious scrambled eggs made by my sister, and trying to organize my life enough so that 'failure' does not become part of it. On the bright side, the digital content I picked to write a SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) analysis on is Pottermore, so it's not too bad. It means that the next assignment I have to do, which is to take the opportunities I've thought of and basically plan on how they could become realities, through proposed partnerships and ad campaigns and brand extension, will also be centred around Pottermore.

Which makes me feel good, because I get to plan a hypothetical future for something that I absolutely love. Harry Potter just instantly makes projects fun. 

Monday, October 10, 2011

David Tennant's face of the day

I realize that just saying I'm going to be productive usually ends up with me being less productive than I would have been otherwise. So from now on I'm just going to start making "to do" lists, because the sense of accomplishment I get from crossing an item off is quite fantastic.

Alright folks, time to learn how to do basic book keeping, exciting right?

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Doctor Who Day


I honestly can't believe that it's already Sunday. This weekend has gone exceptionally fast, and now that I'm at the end of it I'm wondering where it all went, other than to the N64 and Mario Kart and a whole lot of 30 Rock. One episode of Series 6 left for me to actually start ranting/speculating about Doctor Who, so just bear with me guys.

In the mean time, it's apparently Doctor Who Day! Unofficially, of course, and simply because if you write out the date in the European way it would be 9/10/11, and nerds/fans will find any way possible to celebrate there universes of choice. So happy Doctor Who Day to all you Whovians, and potentially Whovians out there! I'm going to, unfortunately, have to do something other than just lounge at home which means venturing out into the big bad world, so wish me luck.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Kittens and Attacks

Trying to figure out wot I did last night that's causing this pounding headache. Had class, watched a lot of 30 Rock. Almost got mauled by Hazel, who might or might not have roofied me (I'm ignoring the fact that she's a kitten).

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

R.I.P. Steve Jobs


So, if you don't already know by now, Steve Jobs died earlier today. I've never bought a Mac, I love my PC and am too familiar with it to want to give that up, but I own an iPhone which I love to death, and an iPad which I would die of boredom with out. Though, like many people out there, I don't know him personally, I still can't help but feel sad at his passing. Despite whatever grievances I might have with Apple products, there's no denying that Steve Jobs (though clearly he wasn't the only one in the company doing so) introduced the world to so many innovations and technological progressions that we now use and love, and in some cases, consider a base standard (such as the graphical user interface...i.e. those little icon things that I don't even want to know how we operated without) True, he didn't think of it first, but he did commercialize it/refine it, and he presented these products with passion and enthusiasm, which a lot of CEOs seem to lack (no offence Jeff Bezos, still love Kindle and Amazon).

At the end of the day a great, charismatic mind was lost to the world, because, honestly, who knows wot else he could have come up with.