Thursday, September 29, 2011

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Just for fun: Brandon Urie

Lead singer and no 1/2 of Panic! At the Disco, whom I've always adored greatly for their fantastic lyrics (I'm pretending 9 in the Afternoon doesn't exist with that statement) and their fantastic style. Also, he's adorable so that helps.

If you haven't seen it yet, check out the video for "Ready to Go" because it's slightly trippy and has brilliant homages and a Fiddler on the Roof style dance section. The song is quite uplifting too, in my opinion. Now I'm off to try and learn In Design in less than a week in order to salvage my great for Introduction to Book Publishing and avoid the feeling of discouragement and utter hopelessness that I got when receiving my first assignment yesterday.

Kindle Fire and Touch


The new Kindle tablet, the Kindle Fire, was announced today in New York along with the new Kindle e-readers the Touch and Touch 3G and they look incredible. People are saying that the Fire, which has an Android operating system, is going to be a great new competitor for the iPad, which I can see happening considering the specs and the price, but as someone who already owns an iPad, I never had more of curious draw to the announcement of the fire. The thing that I was highly anticipating, though it's announcement was never more than an assumption, is the Kindle Touch.

It's a damn e-ink reader, same eye friendly, sun glare preventing, smooth, 6 inch, paper-like technology of the original Kindle, but instead of having that incredibly awkward keyboard that even minuscule ants had a hard time pressing, it's going to be touch screen.

November 21st can't come soon enough, but despite my desire to just click on pre-order now, I think I'm going to do the smart thing and wait a little bit for user reviews, or CNET reviews. I mean, the Kindle I have right now still works fantastically and I do hold a strong belief that there is no point in buying updated models of products you own if the originals work perfectly fine (especially if it's not that much of a drastic change), so unless it decides to spontaneously combust (like my phone did this summer, after four years of a marvellous, though occasionally frozen, friendship) I think I can hold off a little bit.

Silence will answer


Okay, done with the first two episodes of the second half of the season, and I am quite happy with them. I think wot made me the happiest was those holographic pictures of Rose and Martha and Donna, my heart skipped a beat when they appeared, and then broke a little when the Doctor said "there must be someone left in the universe I haven't screwed up yet." I think, for the most part, it's because it made me feel like Steven Moffat was finally not pretending that the Doctor's past incarnations, and those that he travelled with, don't still affect him. In the previous season and a half, it just seemed that Moffat was just trying to make him not care any more, and, yes, new Doctor, new personality new companions, etc. etc. but regardless of his incarnations, his memories and the feelings attached tot hem aren't any different. So his loss and love of Rose, his pain due to losing Martha and the constant threat of her remembering and dying because of it, it should still be there inside, driving him.

So thank you Moffat, thank you for allowing the guilt and pain and memories to resurface. As an incredibly nostalgic person, I really do appreciate it.

Also, I quite enjoyed explaining away River's lack of regeneration in Forest of the Dead, and am intrigued as to what this question is. Could it be the same question that we're trying to figure out about Life, the Universe, and Everything? Because if so, I know the answer.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Just for fun: Matt Bomer

Source: roflrazzi
I just thought I'd mix it up a bit from the stagnation that I occasionally fall into, mostly because I feel like I rely on tumblr way too much. Also, from the few episodes I've seen, he's both a fantastic actor and looks stunning in a suit. Which is a great combination, if you ask me (see: Neil Patrick Harris).

I get my first graded assignment of my graduate career back today, which should be interesting (especially considering how I missed class last week due to the fact that I was dying). In the meantime, trying to get what I need to get done for these courses ahead of time so that the end result is as good as I can make it, but I still feel like I have no idea wot I'm doing other than trying to decipher vague instructions and winging it.

I'll let you know how that works out.

Finally saw "Let's Kill Hitler," and by that I mean we have about 20 minutes or so of the episode left and I'm waiting to go from being 'less disappointed' to 'not disappointed at all. The whole things with River was interesting, and clever, but it was still frustrating to go so long and think they just tried to insert some random new character in the story. And though I understand that they couldn't just have revealed that it was her right away, the negative feelings lingered beyond the 'oooooh!'

I am confident I'll get over it as I keep watching though. They've been little itsy bitsy baby steps to catch up, but steps nonetheless.

Monday, September 26, 2011

David Tennant's face of the day

I watched the Lion King in 3D yesterday, and it was amazing. I mean, it didn't do the usual hurting of the eyes and head thing that most 3D movies can cause, which is great in itself, but more than that I felt like I was a tiny child again who was able to experience the majesty that is that movie.

I'm not ashamed to say I cried when Mufasa died, because it just proves the fact that I have a heart and a soul. Despite the fun I had, and the fact that I'm glad I did it, watching it in 3D is an experience and a one time thing, and it should only be done if you're willing to pay those extra million dollars for a feature that you might not even notice because everything but Simba's journey is rendered non-existent. 

Otherwise, scrounge around your home for the old tape or newer DVD and pop that in, because at the end of that hour and a half, the amazingness lied within the story itself, and not the extra dimension. 

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Whovians win again


It also helps if they're Potterheads and know Sindarin and are capable of going super sayjin and are part of the Scooby Gang (Buffy, not acually Scooby-Doo).

David Tennant's face of the day


Yazya, Student, and I'd have to go with 'fun' too.

Friday, September 23, 2011

USB Typewriter

It's a typewriter...that connects to computers or iPads and works as a keyboard. Oh also works as a regular typewriter. Talk about old school advanced technology. I wish I had one of those right now, I feel like even just the clicking of the keys would make me happy. Wot can I say, I'm clearly an old soul.

David Tennant's face of the day

People who I wish were my friends: those two, Rowling, Viggo Mortensen, Sir Ian Mckellen, Orlando Bloom (mostly because I feel like he'd convince me to do crazy things I've always wanted to do like bungee jumping and sky diving), Donald Glover, Eddie Izzard, Ludacris, Will Smith, Chris Rock, Jon Stewart, Seth Green, Joss Whedon...there's probably more, I should just stop listing famous people.

Maybe Sartre if he were alive, but probably only in small doses. There's a finite amount of existentialism that I can take, and I wouldn't want to really become a hipster.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

The prettiest elf around

There's nothing I like more than a man who looks good in a blonde wig/dressed up as a lanky elf, except for maybe a man who can make fun of himself in a blonde wig/while the image of him dressed up as a lanky elf is showcased in the background.

Demibooks: Composer, books at a whole new level

He's just here to lure you in

So for my Interactive Media class (which I actually adore to death, readings and all) we're supposed to post up articles about new media and digital advances, mostly those relating to books and magazines and such, but other ones that might be interesting to. Yesterday, while trying to find something good to post, I ran across and article about the company Demibooks and a new app they have released for the iPad.

Basically, the digital publishing company Demibooks, has released an app specifically for the iPad (called Composer) which will allow authors to create interactive apps for their books without having to use or create complicated codes.

Don't get me wrong, I love print books and all their physical glory. My bookshelf is slowly overflowing with books, and that doesn't include all the books I have at my grandmother's house, or the books I've bought on my Kindle (love of physical books or not, there's no way I'm carrying 5 giant fantasy novels around while on vacation, sorry Jordan and Martin). But on the other hand, I also can't help but really love the idea of authors being able to add little interactive features, such as demonstrating gravity or layered audio, into their works (if they so chose). Interaction with books is a great way for children to learn and be engaged, and just as there are pop-up books, and books you can touch to feel textures, and books that have animal noises included, I feel like Demibook's Composer is just the natural and highly convenient next step when it comes to digital books. A step that will undoubtedly allow authors to expand their story and add a layer of creativity that a physical book by itself could never have contained.

For those of you who are interested in writing and creating interactive children's books (and have an iPad), the app is supposed to be free for a limited time, which is quite cool.

David Tennant's face of the day

Multimedia Financial Analysis.

That is a required class for first semester Master's in Science publishing students at NYU. There are only a few things at this moment that I like less than the textbook required for this course, famine and war being two of the things I like less. Yes, I'm equating this accounting textbook to death.

Turns out grad school is very much like undergrad, except a lot more focused on whichever program you pick, a bigger attempt at professionalism, longer classes and everything packed into two, highly stressful years where they also expect you to get internship and/or work experience to go along with your three hour classes.

So folks, make sure you're really really ready to commit to a field before going to grad school. The only thing keeping me going, even with the knowledge that I have to take Multimedia Financial Analysis II next semester, is the fact that I fully intend to open up my own publishing house one day, and I know this experience can only benefit my future endeavours. 

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Daniel Craig: Girl with the Dragon Tattoo poster


Poster art designed by Neil Kellerhouse.

This is beautiful and simple.

David Tennant's face of the day

I don't think I posted this one yet, if I have I'm kind of sorry...except for it's beautiful and amazing and I don't regret seeing it forever. 

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

David Tennant's face of the day


See how much I love you guys? I posted twice even though I'm on my death couch.

The Doctor's Companions

I'm dead.
Not really, but figuratively. My body refuses to cooperate, my immune system has abandoned me, and I remain broken and helpless to face the ever deceptive Fates.

I.E. I'm sick. Which, I hope, will serve as a good enough excuse for why I haven't updated in forever, which I do apologise for. But here's a post disguised as a cry of forgiveness.


Friday, September 16, 2011

Damon Salvatore shower appreciation gifs

Yeah, apparently it's eyecandy post time. I have yet to see the season premier, because I just finished season 2 yesterday and lack cable (also, class just happens to be during prime time), but I'm sure it was deliciously sexy.

David Tennant's face of the day

I was MIA yesterday, and I apologise. In my defence, I had a lot of reading to do. Also, we got a kitten, so most of my time was devoted to gushing over her, preventing her from eating wires, and trying to insure that Olivier got some attention too (because he's not to keen on the new addition to the family).

I'll see if she sits still enough to take a cute little picture, but I might reconsider because...well I'm already halfway to catwoman, I don't want this blog to magnify that image.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Magneto and Professor X: In their prime

They both have exceptionally beautiful eyes. Also, the scruff helps with the rawr feeling they're exuding.

Spent the past [insert number of hours] reading about marketing management and I'm not sure that I retained anything, at all. On the bright side, it's not like our professor puts us on the spot or anything /dies.

At this point, by the time you read this, I'll be either dying in class or in the process of dying in class. So wish me luck. I had a moment of panic in my yesterday's class where I realized how much responsibility I would have to have/need to have in order to be able to make a living. Then I remembered I did not really have that much time to get everything in order in my mind, because I'm not 21 as I keep thinking (almost every day), but 22, on the way to 23. I'm so close to being on the wrong side of 20.

Woe is me.

David Tennant's face of the day


Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Geek Problems

I was pretty convinced I could speak in a British accent too, after a month of nonstop Who and Sherlock and reading Harry Potter out loud to my little brother (I try and do the voices, he seems to think they're accurate). I'd just hear the voices in my head and it's sound so right...and then I'd speak and realize how very wrong my initial confidence was.

There's so much reading to do on Marketing Management and Multimedia Financial Analysis (two of the classes I'm taking) that I have yet to do...but instead I'm making sure my blog gets updated at least twice a day. Priorities, right?

I'm only partially joking, I'm going to have my readings done. I can't fall back on work so soon, that would be a little ridiculous (like this clahs).

David Tennant's face of the day

I want that shirt, with the man still in it preferably. 

Monday, September 12, 2011

Sunday, September 11, 2011

The line of Gondor


I couldn't get the timing of the gif just right, but this makes it no less epic. I love Viggo Mortensen, his acting, his photography, his poetry, his face. I would legitimately marry this man if I had the chance, age difference and parents be damned. 

David Tennant's face of the day

Look at me, I'm the Doctor. I can do things like just chill in the desert in front of a broken down bus under eight hundred layers of clothing without breaking a sweat.

My name is Who, Doctor Who

Now I'll never be able to unsee/unthink this. Also, this picture made me realize that I can never remember the name of the actor in the picture between Sean Connery and Roger Moore.

You know, I honestly wish I had grown up as an English male with a talent and fondness for acting. They get to be things like James Bond and the Doctor and in Harry Potter and always seem to appear and epic fantasies (because we all know that Elves and other supernatural creatures have English accents). Alas, I was born an Arab female who couldn't act to save her life (though there's a slight possibility the sheer terribleness of my attempt to act will cause my would-be murderers to die of horror).

Saturday, September 10, 2011

An Ode to Gary Oldman

I've loved this man for many many years. 

David Tennant's face of the day

I love Saturdays. I love being able to wake up at noon or 1pm and not feel like I've wasted the day. I love making coffee in the morning, or my lovely mate of the room variety bringing me a cup. I love lounging around in my pyjamas for as long as I damn well please. Especially rainy Saturdays, because that's just an even better excuse to not ever do anything at all. Granted, I had to go out in the downpour to get some stuff, but that's not the point.

My arms aren't sore yet from climbing, and I'm wondering if that means I didn't push myself hard enough, or simply that it'll sneak up on me when I least expect it. I'll let you know if I can type or not later, it's Pottermore and coffee time (I've begrudgingly accepted my Hufflepuff status and am willing to enter the fray of duels and class and etc. got to win my house some points, as long as I'm in it).

Friday, September 9, 2011

Doctor Who as contraception

In my humble and opinion, if my boo told me I had to limit my Doctor Who references, that's a deal breaker. I should be able to mention Doctor Who as many times as I please without it affecting the plans of the night.

Just saying. It goes for Harry Potter and Zombies and LOTR and Eddie Izzard and Resident Evil, among other things.

David Tennant's face of the day

Still haven't seen this movie, which is saddening, but it is Friday, which means friends and video games (Goldeneye in particular, yeah we go old school in the Den of Indulgence) and take out. Olso, I'm going to go climbing.

That's right folks, the person who has gone to NYU for 4 years (and is going for another 2), who's never stepped into the gyms they provide, is going to do something that counts as physical exertion: rock climbing. Indoor, naturally. This will be the second time I go, but the first time was fantastic and it made me realize that I get really really annoyed if I don't reach the top. To the point that I try to climb the same 'route' if you will, six different times until I either reach it or, as the gamers used to say (do they still say it?), rage quit.

We'll see how it goes today?

Oh yes, relavence of this picture to wot I was saying...uh...he looks badass and epic and I feel badass and epic when climbing? Yes, let's go with that.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Stopping the world

I got into Hufflepuff.

Is it wrong that I would rather be cunning and evil and manipulative and risk being a Death Eater than be loyal and patient and a surprisingly good finder?

David Tennant's face of the day

I don't know why this happened or how it happened, and I honestly don't think I want to know these things. It's so much more entertaining imagining the possibilities.

On the equally bright side, finally got my Pottermore email! I've almost made it to the Sorting Hat, got my wand and books and all that wonderful nonesense (my wand is pretty awesome too, 12 and 1/2 inch sycamore, dragonecore, surprisingly swishy). I feel like I'm going to get into Hufflepuff...I don't want to get into Hufflepuff, there's too much internal prejudice against them for no real reason other than they really got the worst description in that first Sorting Hat song in book 1. Also, Cedric Diggory.

Still, probably going to get into Hufflepuff, and probably going to have to begrudingl deal with it. Though if it were a real Sorting Hat, my thoughts of 'not Hufflepuff! Not Hufflepuff!' would insure (for the most part) that I didn't go there. Unless, of course, it didn't think I fit into anywhere else. But...I'm just going to stop.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Dumbledore and internships

Despite the many, many, chocolate frogs I have gotten, I have yet to get a Dumbledore card, which is the only one that I want really. He just makes everything better. I can picture myself staring at the holographic image and asking for advice.

Ever have those moments when you get this amazing, wonderful opportunity that others would kill for but if you take it, it would just be overwhelming? I feel like I'm letting down all the even-slightly-geeky and nerdy people of the world by not being like 'screw it' and taking this internship, my lovely soul sister being one of them, but I also know that my work quality will decline in either my school work or the internship work (or both, really) if I try to juggle three 13 hour days a week whilst doing things like writing up mock pitches for book proposals and designing marketing plans and writing analytical cases on the benefits of Kindle and eBook. It's only the second day of class and I'm already drained and feel like I'm being overloaded with information that is critical to me making it through the semester.

I mean, if I could, I'd intern five days a week and not do school...but I can't do that (because it's for-credit). I'm not making excuses (don't you raise your eyebrows at me, inner self!), I'm just disappointed that's all. I would have been an amazing intern (clearly, I'm saying so myself). I just need Dumbledore to say some wise, slightly vague, things to me. Even if all he said was "Alas, earwax!" I'm pretty sure I'd feel better all the same.

Robert Downey Jr.: Fabric Softener