Tuesday, May 31, 2011


So my brother and his wife got me a white iPad with one of those cool covers that cause the iPad to lock when covering the screen for a graduation present so, naturally, the first thing i had to do (after sending them an email) was write up a short post. Because touch screens make me happy. Also, Angry Birds and Plans vs. Zombies are amazing games on this screen. We've finally completely moved out of and painted and cleaned the apartment which is no longer ours, and good riddance to that place. Don't get me wrong, we had some amazing times there, but I don't think all of us would have survived another year...or summer more like it...there. The heat and close proximities would have ended up in murder.
           I'm going to go now before i really start ranting and talking nonsense and becoming obnoxious.

Rose and her Doctors

Source: moooaaaar.tumblr.com
Why is it that she (basically) gets three Doctors, and I don't even have the one? Damn you and your amazingness Ms. Piper.

David Tennant's face of the day

Source: idogetbored.tumblr.com
Well aren't we just a tad bit smug there, Doctor?

Not a Bro

Source: gingerhaze.tumblr.com
For damn sure Eowyn is no bro.

If wishes were Doctors

Source: showmehappyness.tumblr.com

Shrodinger's Cat

Source: otrouniverso.tumblr.com
I might have lied about the being better about upkeep this week. Turns out we have to paint over some blue tac (my bad, I use them for poster/pictures) and a palm tree that an old room mate painted on her wall, and some writing that my mates of the room variety stupidly let me do last year in pink, only slightly glow-in-the-dark, crayon. So I've basically spent all day today cleaning and painting. Good times, right?
          I'll be better soon, my lovelies.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Something Blue

Source: the-last-time-lord.tumblr.com
I want a Tardis. Or a Doctor. Or a Doctor in a Tardis. I'm not picky.

The Rapture

I was promised Zombies. I feel cheated.

David Tennant's face of the day

Source: voluptes.tumblr.com
Oh yeah indeed. All that's missing is him licking his lips at the end there, it looks like he really really wants to. Probably as much as everyone staring at this really really wants him to.

Once you go Ten...

This was so heartbreaking. Clearly, we all learned to love David Tennant (Rose included), but at that moment, I wanted nothing more than my Nine to come back, big sticky out ears and leather jacket and Northern accent and all.

Seems legit

This is like my cat. Except imagine that's a black shirt, and he's a Siamese. Now imagine it being a brand new black shirt that I've just placed on my bed in order to wear to go out. Also imagine the cat rolling around a bit in order to increase the hair-per-square inch of clothing ratio. Then that would be like exactly like my cat.

My Doctor

Source: thedoctorandmrs-robinson.tumblr.com
I miss you, my Doctor. You truly were fantastic.


Source: aboyandhisbluebox.tumblr.com
If anyone can tell me where this amazing shout out to Doctor Who occurred, I will love with forever and ever. I smell fanfics.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Time War

Source: surfmadpig.tumblr.com

Doctor Who fans

Things to fear

This is where all the evil children horror flics originally spawned from.

David Tennant's face of the day

This is wot I looked like a few days ago as I was taking apart my old laptop. At first I just wanted to remove the har ddrive to keep, in case I wanted the things that used to be contained in it in the future (for some strange reason or another, I happen to be a partial hoarder, so I wouldn't be surprised if I suddenly got a yearning for old documents), but that turned into wanting to see wot parts made up the core of the machine that I basically used to death.
          At the bottom of it, though, it was probably because I had just bought a screwdriver (real, not sonic, though I would have probably gotten much more done with a sonic one) and had nothing to do with it just yet. 

Adipose: cutest scary thing ever

Source: iwearastetsonnow.tumblr.com

A girl worth fighting for

Source: rofllrazzi.com

Things my days are filled with

Source: wheresmythief.tumblr.com
My ringtone is the Doctor Who theme song, so I hear this theme frequently during my day. And by frequently I mean at least once. I swear I have friends! /tears
          This and the Angel theme song. But that's only when my sister calls.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Sherlock Holmes and the ever present Doctor

Source: lookievegotablanket.tumblr.com
Apparently our dear Mr. Holmes isn't as perceptive as we previously thought he was.

Broship of the Ring

Source: gingerhaze.tumblr.com
Gandalf just look really awkward standing there amongst the younger crowd. Soz Sir Ian Mckellen, sweeping long beards apparently aren't as impressive on casual Fridays as they are in Wizarding clothes.

John Barrowman

Source: von-glemmini.tumblr.com
"Honey, I shrunk the chair again!" is where my mind went. Not very original but...

Harry Potter Experience

Source: dailyloreena.tumblr.com
Legendary and Glue, those two words describe my Harry Potter experience as well.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011


So, this is basically how I feel right now: 

for several reasons. First and foremost, the whole actually being graduate from college has begun to sink in nice and steady, and, most surprisingly, it isn't an unpleasant sinking in. True, I might have cheated a little bit due to the fact that I'm just continuing with my Master's, but still...graduating is graduating. Secondly, we've almost completely moved into our new, much spacier and prettier, apartment, while still managing to remain in the city. And thirdly, I'm finished building my bed and putting all the covers on and I've also built my bookshelf and arranged more than half of my books on it. The room itself is being cleared out more and more each day which also makes me happy and makes me realize how much nicer it is. All that's missing is a slight personal touch to the walls/some decor, but it's been less than a week so I'm not worried about that.

Good times, right? I can't wait till we're fully settled in/have the wall built so my lovely Viking has a room of his own. I feel like then, summer will really start. Until that moment, it wont feel real...because that sense that there's still so much to do looms (as opposed to just hangs) over the whole apartment. But this means I should be on more regularly, sharing wonders of the world, by next week. You can admit it, you missed me.

Till then, I leave you with a personal favourite.

Source: jesswes.tumblr.com

Monday, May 23, 2011

Buttercup is such a douche

Source: thepowerpuffgirls.tumblr.com
She's just mad that she can't think of anything to draw. Raining on poor Bubbles' creativity and fun and happiness.


Source: meowmeowmaru.tumblr.com
I might or might not have stared at this for a good five-ten minutes. Not quite sure. I also might or might not have considered doing this to my cat. Unfortunately we need the boxes we have to finish packing, which means that I can't risk having him scratch through in a panicked frenzy. Once we're done unpacking though, all bets are off.

Buffy Plots

Source: defineinteresting.tumblr.com
It just depends on wot your definition of 'coherent' is. Now, for a Buffy fan, it means many a strange thing. So yes, this part was quite coherent to me.

Texts from the Tardis

Source: textsfromthetardis.tumblr.com
This just got added to the list of things I'm so glad someone has thought to do for my entertainment. Texts from the Tardis, that's just fun.

David Tennant's face of the day

Source: youallhavechins.tumblr.com
I don't even know wot he's doing...but I like it regardless.

Taste of Ink

Source: --lestat.tumblr.com
And I'll savour every moment of it.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Like a G

This scene is one of my favourites in the movie. Every time I watch Two Towers, I will stop and replay it five times and go "Guys! Guys! Look look, look how awesome he is! Shhh! Watch. *sigh* He's fantastic, especially with that kingly swagger." Just that epic door opening, and then the part right after when he puts his hand on his sword's hilt and like pauses. That's an entrance right there.

Left Right

Yeah...I also still double check my hands to make sure when I say 'left' or 'right' I'm actually going the right direction. You'd think that after almost 22 years, I'd learn not to do that.

The Doc...Master?

Source: davidtennantssideburns.tumblr.com
The Wombats: During the uh, process of lovemaking, or humping, or bunking, would you ever consider asking your partner to solely refer to you as The Doctor? Or Doc? And if not, would you consider it in the future?
David: I tend to go for The Master in situations like that.

I'd call him The Master any day. Frankly, I'd call him anything he wanted me to call him. 

Timey Wimey

Source: makemeavintageprincess.tumblr.com
Best explanation ever.

Killing Rory

Source: burnoutlikeastar.tumblr.com
Again, Captain Jack Syndrome. Poor Rory though, he doesn't get the same attention that Jack does, and Jack tends to willingly put himself in those situations because he *knows* he can just come back. With Rory though, it's like any of the times could be the last.

Pretty Boy: Revisited

Source: jamies-.tumblr.com

River: Pretty Boy, with me I said.
The Doctor: Oh, I’m Pretty Boy? 
Donna: Yes. Oh, that came out a bit quick.
The Doctor: Pretty?
Donna: Meh.

Doctor Who | S04E08 Silence in the Library

Tom Felton

Source: thebeautyofsolitude.tumblr.com
So, I dunno about that weirdness his face has contorted to in the bottom half of the picture, but that top part just makes me want to go "Oh, hey there Sexy."

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Karen Gillian

Source: restaurantblouses.tumblr.com

David Tennant: On the Series 6

Source: davidtennantssideburns.tumblr.com

Big Willie Style

Source: -dopee.tumblr.com
I don't care wot anybody says about this man, him and his big sticky outy ears are amazing, rapping or acting or just existing.

Catherine Tate: On Doctor Who

Source: virginiachase.tumblr.com
I just love her, she's amazing.

CDC Emergency

Ha! To everyone who thought I was insane/silly/stupid for thinking it would be good to be rpepared for a zombie apocalypse: suck it.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Captain Jack Syndrome

Source: fuckyeahvoldemort.tumblr.com
I WAS SAYING JUST THIS LIKE 2 DAYS AGO! I'm glad I ain't the only one who was like 'hey...wait a minute, this scenario is all too familiar...MOFFAT!!!"

*shakes fist*

Oliver Wood

Source: theroomofhiddenthings.tumblr.com
Dear Oliver Wood,
I'm sorry you didn't have a more prominent role in the third movie, like you did in the book. especially considering that that was the first year you win the Quidditch cup, and that was your last year at hogwarts. If it makes it any better, I missed you.


The dangers of ingesting mercury

Source: stickingupforsammy.tumblr.com
“Harrison Ford is irradiating our testicles with microwave satellite transmissions.”